
In John 12:24 (NIV), the Word says “Very truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” It is the death of this seed that strips away the part of the seed, that keeps it in...

birthright. As women, the keepers and nurturers of seed, we are created to take a seed, carry it, give birth to it and then nurture it. God didn’t make any mistakes when he did this!  Michelle McClain-Walters, the author of The Hannah Anointing describes it his way: His (God’s) promises to deliver, heal, increase...

1.    PREPARE THE PROPER PLANTING HOLE. When preparing for planting, make the hole (or area) two to three times wider than the current root mass.  This means that you cannot put restrictions on your growth. We tend to do this based on our trauma, lack of exposure and/or our environments. Have you ever...

Seed Upgraders, Soil, Seasons, Light So, if you read last week’s correspondence then you know that we’re in a short series about entitled Seed Upgraders: Light, Seasons, Planting and Soil.
I started this series so that we could gather a further understanding of how each one...

Seed Upgraders: Light, Season, Planting and Soil I hope my email last week resonated with you and you were able to take a moment to do some soul searching and figure out what things you find pleasurable. Keeping in theme with us becoming better women and #goaldiggers,...

I propose that you and I step outside of our whirlwinds for a moment by starting with small goals. We can choose one or two things to work towards. They don’t have to be huge things, they just need to be impactful. Impactful goals for...

When we’re hurt, we sometimes get distracted and lose focus on the “why”.  This deviation from focus allows offenses to sting more than they normally would if we were head down and nose in the work. I’ve been praying about how to handle my work situation and operate in...

Because I’ve done these things so many times, I could literally do them in my sleep. They require some physical energy, but generally no additional mental effort. While doing them, I get to float! I float sometimes because it’s really all that I have the capacity for. And...

I even have a term for this.  I call it a “sadness snowball.” Snowball sadness is when I start with an initial moment of displeasure and then I just keep adding stuff on, adding to the sadness. So that emotion starts to form as a snowball does…....

Oprah’s advice on dealing with crisis was to remain fully present in the moment. She advised not to deal with the next question, problem, bill, or problem until you resolve the one you’re in. Y'all, this resonated with me. Have you’ve ever been dealing with something like a poor health diagnosis or...