
This week is our final installment in our February series, focusing on how God loves us (so that we can properly love ourselves). Today we will be covering God's protection. That is right! God loves us so much that He wants to protect us; He wants...

If I had a dollar for every time, I heard someone say, “God loves you,” I would have a nice little nest egg stored up for a rainy day. To me – it is interesting how this truth, along with others, has become cliché in...

Have you ever thought about how unique you are? Did you know that our bodies' very makeup speaks to the unique way that God made us? The Bible says, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb....

Can you believe that it is already February? A month that is known for celebrating black lives; their history and talent, Mardi Gras, leap years, and Valentine’s Day. With love being one of the tenants of celebration this month, I want to explore not how you...

Have you ever pleaded the blood of Jesus over a pet? Well – I have. This past weekend we celebrated my son's 5th birthday and decided that he wanted a pet for his gift. With my smooth negotiation skills, I was somehow able to talk him into...

So, we just finished the end of what – to some - seemed like the worst year ever. But, to others, their best year. Despite the impact of 2020, around October, I started hearing the chants of those who always tell you to "finish strong"...

I have been considering a new job opportunity, and the position is so demanding that a section of the job description lists the 'mental capacity' needed for the job. Seeing 'mental capacity' on a job statement blew my absolute mind. Never have I ever seen a...

Can I share something personal with you? Lately, I have asked God for a bigger vision for Judah, my capabilities, marriage and family, and life. It is one thing to have lofty goals, but it is a whole otha' thing to have great vision and Sis, while...