“But, My Friends Do It!”

“But, My Friends Do It!”

So, my husband and I have been trying to teach my 3-yr old a little more responsibility. We’ve been doing this by doing things like letting him get himself dressed, putting up and picking out his own shoes and socks, putting his clothes away and up, etc. I even recently made a little chart of things he should do every night before bed.

These tasks, especially when he’s playing or watching television, have been accompanied by tears or lots of grumbling.

Well, the other day, when he started grumbling, my husband reminded him that he shouldn’t grumble because he is “becoming a big boy” and that “learning these things will help” him “grow into the big boy that he will one day become.”

He responded, “But, my friends cry!”

I was so tickled by his response because I immediately had flashbacks of my mother’s responses when I tried to answer her in that exact same way. I can hear her now. She would probably say,” Oh yeah…but, I’m not raising your little friends!”

Although I was tickled by his response, my son doesn’t understand that what we’re trying to teach him is because of what we see his full potential to be.

This got me to thinking about when we’re growing, being groomed or challenged to the point that it becomes hard. What do we say to God at that moment?  Do we ask Him for help? Or do we compare our journey to the next person’s? Do we complain and cry? Or have you ever told God, “but, my friends did it this way and it worked for them!”, or “my friend (or someone I know) behaved this way for years”, or maybe “those people do what they want and are continuously blessed!”

My son’s response was a perfect reminder of how my complaining about being set apart is, just silly.  There are so many things that God has separated us from, not because he just wants to take things from us but there are better things that He wants to give us.  

Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death…”

A little rough, right?

Think about it. There are things that seem harmless, fun and edifying, but our father has warned us to refrain from them knowing that there is nothing good that comes from them and that they cause death. Death to opportunities, relationships, experiences and more.

The “way that seems right” may offer many choices and require a few sacrifices. Easy choices, however, should make us take a second look at the options. Is this solution attractive because it allows me to be lazy? Or is it attractive because it doesn’t require a leveling up or change in lifestyle? It’s often that the right choice requires some sort of hard work and sacrifice.

Be encouraged, Women of Judah. To be set apart means that God has His hand on us for a specific purpose and time on earth. The hard part and the real work will come in the moments when you realize that ‘being set apart’ doesn’t always feel good.  However, Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “that there is always a reward from them that diligently seek him” and Galatians 6:9, says “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Girlfriend, be of good cheer, be steadfast and go get your reward!

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