What’s Already In Your Hands?

What’s Already In Your Hands?

If you’ve noticed, the ‘Hey Girl, Hey!’ emails have slowed down, and so has my posting. Sis needed a break, and in the case that you were wondering – I am ‘sis.’

I’ve been in a season where I feel dry and still responsible for producing. And while it pains me to write these words, I like to always be as transparent with you as possible.

As I shared in my last newsletter, lately – I feel like God is asking more of me than I have. It’s like he believes in me more — than I believe in myself.

There is more content than I have creativity.

There is more inspiration to give to others than I have to give myself.

There is more grace and love for others than I haven’t been able to give myself.

And more knowledge and skills – than I feel like I possess.

Again, if I’m honest, I also haven’t been spending as much intentional time with my Father as I should – but I do talk to Him aloud during the day. And lately, it’s been a lot — of “I need your help, Lord!”.

But specifically – I’ve been praying to Him about the blessings He’s given me and how to fulfill His purpose in them. Of course, God does not disappoint, and in my sleep the other night, God reminded me of the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil.

This story is significant for many reasons and different interpretations, but it reminded me to use what is already in my hands when I read it this time.

Let me explain.

Encouraged, I reread the story.

Like the widow, I know I’m in a season where I need more from God, but I feel like I don’t have enough. However, I am not looking at – what’s already in my hands.

If you recall, Elisha asked the woman two questions:

1. What can I do for you?

In a sermon awhile back, Pastor Michael Todd said that this was a question of vision. He was asking her, what has God placed in you? What is God’s purpose for your life? What is the work that you are supposed to be doing (or preparing for)?

2. What do you have?

Elisha didn’t ask what you have first because God’s ability to move IS NOT contingent on our resources.

Remember that your “little oil” is all that God needs to work with, and it is way more valuable than you might think. People often excuse themselves from the miraculous because they don’t have a lot to work with and give up too quickly. When God asks you for something – perhaps your obedience or hard work -take what you do have and offer it to him; provide him with the vessel. He will fill it with oil. Whatever we have the faith to prepare for is what God will fill up.

Women of Judah, with that, I’d like to leave you with these words that I read from Louie Giglio:

“It is likely the enemy is lying to you about something right now – your worth, your future, your chances of survival, your ability, a dreadful outcome, the possibility of being loved and forgiven no matter what you’ve done.”

Spot the lie. Call it out. Use what you’ve got and speak the word over your life. Remember, the oil that God provides is plentiful and faithful – and there is fresh oil for us all.

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