
How are you? I hope your loved ones and yourselves are safe and healthy. If you live in South Texas or Louisiana like me, then you have probably been preparing for imminent hurricanes all week. As of late, my prayers haven’t just been about protecting our state...

How are you feeling now that we have made it six months into the pandemic? A lot of us went into this whole thing excited to break free from our obligations and commitments for a minute. In the beginning, we were concerned and unsure, but positive...

How are you feeling now that we have made it six months into the pandemic? A lot of us went into this whole thing excited to break free from our obligations and commitments for a minute. In the beginning, we were concerned and unsure, but positive...

must admit, this has been a rough week! It has been full of multiple work deadlines, momma duties, and just the ordinary minutiae of life. Not only has my week been demanding, but I have also been having weird dreams. Check it! In one of the dreams,...

In the midst of chaos and long days, where my concept of a work-life balance continuously blurs the lines, my son has been struggling to understand when” mommy can play” and when “mommy can’t play.”  Pre-pandemic, it was easier to separate my family time and...

This pandemic came in like a wrecking ball and exposed significant gaps in every system and structure that is known to humankind. It has exposed gaps in our educational systems. It has exposed gaps in our economic systems It has even exposed gaps in technology. And not just...