The Layers of a Praying Woman: Tips for Unrestful Times – Week THREE

The Layers of a Praying Woman: Tips for Unrestful Times – Week THREE

This week was the third and final week of our conference, The Layers of a Praying Woman: Tips for Unrestful TimesThe Layers of a Praying Woman: Tips for Unrestful Times is a virtual mini-conference specifically for women – but all kinds, from stay-at-home mamas to college students to women in the workplace! The two things that unite us in this community is our love for Christ and the fact that we are human!

On last Friday and Day SIX of the conference, we heard from the author, Kelly Needham, Management Consultant, Victoria Cooper, author, Atoya Follins, blogger, Ashtin Anio and realtor, Karen Clark about Friendish: Sustaining Friendship in a Pandemic. This panel of women, along with the author of the book ‘Friendish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion’ discussed what friendships might look like in a pandemic. We also discussed communicating in friendships and sustaining friendships through multiple seasons of life. You can rewatch it here and get access to her notes here.

On Monday of this week and Day SEVEN of the conference, we heard from the couple, Minister Lisa Lazard, on How to stay Spiritually Grounded During a Pandemic. Minister Lisa talked about keeping prayer conversational and straightforward during this time and remembering God’s goodness. She said that the key to staying positive during the pandemic was to “remember God’s goodness and all of the past prayers that he answered — that’s the faith practice that will remind you that he will deliver you from this as well.”  You can rewatch it here and find the resources they recommended here.

On Wednesday of this week, and Day EIGHT, we had the opportunity to chat with career coaches, Ebony Joyce and  Sydney Savage, and Training Assistant Director, Laóna LeBeouf Johnson about Career Pivoting During a Pandemic. These ladies discussed the current job market and where to look present job opportunities. Priceless resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn tips – along with other gems were dropped on this interview. To rewatch this session, click here, and to find the resources that they recommended, click here.

Tonight, on DAY NINE, we are chatting with the realtor, Brenda Williams, dietician and Cassie Cole, vegan, fitness instructor, and enthusiast about Lockdown Fitness: Staying Healthy During Unhealthy Times. Join us as we discuss navigating fitness goals and diet selections during this unprecedented time.  You can find us on Facebook or Youtube.

We have enjoyed bringing all of this information into your homes. I hope you enjoyed the conference and got at least one thing from this conference.

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