The Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

Have you ever been pushed so far out of your comfort zone that you just want to throw up?

So, let me tell you…. I’ve been asked to speak at a conference this weekend. And in preparing for it, I can tell you that I’m really, really, REALLLYYYYYYYYYY uncomfortable.

What’s funny is that in my personal life, I’m a talker, I like to talk. I’m considered the extroverted one in my marriage. The right conversation can be soothing to me.

But, the thought of standing in front of 40-50 complete strangers for an hour induces anxiety and nausea in my body. It makes me want to eat all the goodies and go to see what Target has on sale (or what’s in the dollar-spot, knowing full well that it does not cost an actual dollar).

Nevertheless, I just know that this feeling is my comfort zone trying to keep me wrapped tight in its arms. How many of you know that our growth is located right past our comfort zones?

God has created us to take opposition and turn it into success. In fact, there is no growth without opposition.

In John 12:24 (NIV), the Word says “Very truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

It is the death of this seed that strips away the part of the seed, that keeps it in seed form.

Opposition strips away the part of you that’s keeping you on your current level.

If you watch a bodybuilder that’s trying to get larger and stronger, they are constantly adding more weight to their routine.

If you look at the studies of someone on their way to becoming a medical doctor, they’re not studying 10th-grade biology, past the 10th grade.

A marathoner, training for a race, will keep adding distance to their weekly training goal.

Even while potty training my son.  It is when I took the comfort of his diaper off, that he learned how to use the potty. You know, nowadays, diapers pride themselves on being moisture-wicking, and they leave toddlers in a state of warmth and coziness (probably how I feel at Target).

I’m saying this to say, don’t let the idle of comfort, disqualify you your next season! We must be comfortable being uncomfortable. When is the last time you did something new?

Tried a new hairstyle? Operated in your spiritual gift? Took a class? Spoke up about an idea you had at work? Made a new friend? Invited someone to lunch? Reached out to an influencer (or you’re your virtual mentor? Put your dreams and ideas on paper? Wrote your business plan?

It is these tasks that stretch us and prepare us for our life-long assignments.

Woman of Judah, DO IT SCARED!

This is me encouraging you, while I encourage myself. I’ll let you know how it goes Saturday.


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