
You good? I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about grief and anxiety as we navigate the unknown. The grief of your old, busy lives. The worry and anxiety over sick loved ones, the balance of work and homeschool, and the loss of wages and experiences. I know...

Chileeeeee……….I went to the Sarah Jakes Roberts’ “ Refuse to Lose” Tour in New Orleans on Tuesday night and it was incredible! When Sarah spoke, she discussed the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth. The anchor scripture for the evening was ‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:39-45‬: “At that time Mary got ready...

Two weeks ago, I was able to get away for the weekend (masked up and kid-free). It is not something that I do very often.  Actually - I cannot recall the last time that it has happened.  Rest is something that I have practice and be...

In John 15: 1-4 Jesus is speaking, and he says “I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so...

Two weeks ago, I was able to get away for the weekend (masked up and kid-free). It is not something that I do very often.  Actually - I cannot recall the last time that it has happened.  Rest is something that I have practice and be...

When I was little girl, I grew up in a Baptist church and on Sunday mornings I would often hear the old deacons pray this prayer from the moaning/morning/mourning bench. “When I woke up early this morning, welllllllllll; I was clothed in my right mind, wellllllllllll; When I...

Have you tried to pray your way out of feeling ‘some kind of way’? Or simply wondered why you have to go through “stuff”? A lot of us, myself included, would like God to bless us with everything and experience no issues. We want perfect partners and...

I think it’s crazy that in two and a half weeks we will be gathered around tables with our loved ones eating  Thanksgiving dinner. These last few weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the past year, making sure that I’ve processed my most influential moments,...

In my mind, God always preferred that I said “yes” to every request and continued to push through my limitations. I wanted to believe that wearing myself out, meant that I was walking in faith and living up to my full potential or purpose. Society...

This got me to thinking about when we’re growing, being groomed or challenged to the point that it becomes hard. What do we say to God at that moment? Do we ask Him for help? Or do we compare our journey to the next...