When I was little girl, I grew up in a Baptist church and on Sunday mornings I would often hear the old deacons pray this prayer from the moaning/morning/mourning bench. “When I woke up early this morning, welllllllllll; I was clothed in my right mind, wellllllllllll; When I...

Have you tried to pray your way out of feeling ‘some kind of way’? Or simply wondered why you have to go through “stuff”? A lot of us, myself included, would like God to bless us with everything and experience no issues. We want perfect partners and...

In my mind, God always preferred that I said “yes” to every request and continued to push through my limitations. I wanted to believe that wearing myself out, meant that I was walking in faith and living up to my full potential or purpose. Society...

Have you ever wondered what grace is? Or did you just take the term at face value? Use context clues? Perhaps, you heard an elder utter, “it was only by the grace of God!” or in more recent years, you’ve been told to “give...

We get excited about starting a new year with resolutions, starting a new marriage with butterflies and starry eyes, starting a new job with new responsibilities and expectations. And all those things are worth celebrating, but how many of you have seen a reward...