for I know the plans Tag

How are you? I hope your loved ones and yourselves are safe and healthy. If you live in South Texas or Louisiana like me, then you have probably been preparing for imminent hurricanes all week. As of late, my prayers haven’t just been about protecting our state...

How are you feeling now that we have made it six months into the pandemic? A lot of us went into this whole thing excited to break free from our obligations and commitments for a minute. In the beginning, we were concerned and unsure, but positive...

How are you feeling now that we have made it six months into the pandemic? A lot of us went into this whole thing excited to break free from our obligations and commitments for a minute. In the beginning, we were concerned and unsure, but positive...

Two weeks ago, I was able to get away for the weekend (masked up and kid-free). It is not something that I do very often.  Actually - I cannot recall the last time that it has happened.  Rest is something that I have practice and be...

In John 15: 1-4 Jesus is speaking, and he says “I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so...

Two weeks ago, I was able to get away for the weekend (masked up and kid-free). It is not something that I do very often.  Actually - I cannot recall the last time that it has happened.  Rest is something that I have practice and be...