05 Jun The Promised Land
I am sure you read the title of this week’s email and thought to yourself, “promised land”? America is anything but a land of promise, right now.
As I struggle to adequately put into words how I feel about the longstanding systematic injustices that plague black people and the many senseless black killings that I have witnessed not only in May but all my life, I want to encourage you to keep going.
Keep working.
Keep fighting.
Keep protesting.
Keep dreaming.
Keep doing.
It is June, and we are halfway through the year, yet – it feels like it has been a full one.
As we lament, I want us to consider the story of Moses.
A few Sundays ago, when we were only in the throes of COVID-19, my pastor encouraged us not to let our current political state, allow us to abandon our post or disobey our God-given purposes.
Moses and the Israelites arrive at the Desert of Zin.
Consider that this has been a tough time for Moses in the wilderness. The people were hungry and thirsty and they blamed Moses for their situation. They were always complaining and grumbling about something, and yet God always provided for their needs. Now a new challenge surfaced – they were out of water again.
Moses, faced with their grumblings, “went to from the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them.”
The phrase “tent of meeting” is used in the Old Testament, as the name of a place where God would meet with His people.
God tells Moses to speak to a rock, promising to make water flow in the desert again. However, Moses strikes the rock twice instead of speaking to it.
Now, Moses was quite a leader. But he was also a human being.
The criticism wore away at him so much that it resulted in his frustrated response. He struck the rock two times. In consequence, his relationship with God was adversely affected and led directly to what he considered, his greatest failure—his inability to take the people of God into the Promised Land.
Do you remember at the beginning of this year, you set some goals? Goals to increase the lives of yourself, your family, and your community.
Let’s think back to those. How are they doing? Have you made any progress? What could be holding you back? Have you made steps toward accomplishing any of the things that you thought you would? If not, stick with me and don’t get overwhelmed, you are not doing it wrong, you are doing it while human.
The things we are experiencing right now, COVID, and the fight against racism are great examples of difficulties, obstacles, and frustrations. If we “keep living,” things will continue to happen, and attacks will continuously come granted these are BIG and they are devastating no matter what our goal is; there will always be setbacks.
Women of Judah, hear me as we start this new month, change your tactics, but don’t abandon your plans.
I have seen a lot of memes that sentiment the canceling of the year 2020 altogether. But– today I would like you to revisit your plans and your goals. The world has changed, and it may have altered your plans, but we are His women. We can be flexible and mold. We can swerve and consider another direction.
Consider, how will you get to the higher thought? How will do you not allow the attack of the enemy and the negative press to completely capture your mind or keep you from being focused on what God has for you to do?
I’d say – current times have called for better, for more, for innovation, from everyone. 2020 just may have been the year that we needed.
If you need a break or some form of self-care – do it! There is no resistance without rest. Do whatever it takes for you not to “strike your rock.”
Let us keep doing the work together.
You are still the person for your purpose.
You are still God’s chosen girl, and you WILL see the promised land.
P.S. If you want to read more about the story of Moses check out Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
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