17 May Fly Girl, Fly!
So much of the time we are waiting for God’s timing. We long and yearn for things within our lives. Think about some of the things you have yearned for and could almost feel them, until God said, “Wait, not now!”
So, what happens when we get those things? Sometimes we are ready for them and sometimes we are not. Sometimes we feel ease and flow into a new season, goal or position. But sometimes new things (even if we’ve been blessed with something that we wanted) can be scary and overwhelming. When God told you, “Now!” and elevated you into a new purpose what did you feel?
Each time a have been elevated I have felt a different level of discomfort.
When I was promoted into management, I was unsure if I could effectively lead and inspire others.
When God gave me Judah: The Busy Woman’s Prayer Journal, I felt unworthy and I was afraid to be transparent about my struggle with prayer.
When finding out that I was pregnant, I thought of every possible ‘what if’.
Woman of Judah, you with me? Let me use flying for an example. Do you remember the first time that you rode a plane? What did you feel? How did your emotions ebb and flow?
Before you arrived at the airport, did you have a nervousness of the unknown? And when you arrived on the plane and then it began to ascend, did you start to feel new sensations? To me, those new sensations feel almost unnatural, right? Like you are defying gravity. But, then they settle, and you begin to coast (and even take off your seatbelt).
I have flown so much now, I expect those feelings, I know they are coming, and I prepare my body and mind to settle in. Usually, I will:
1. Say a prayer before taking off.
One of the scriptures I regularly write in the ‘Promises I’m Standing On’ section of my journal and quote aloud is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven…).
It reminds me that no discomfort is permanent and that God’s timing is always perfect. He provides cycles of life, each with its special work for us to do.
Other scriptures for peace: Psalm 23; Psalm 56:3; Isaiah 41:10; Philippians 4:6-7
2. Carry on things for study and entertainment.
Harry S. Truman said, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” I love reading listening to Audible and Libby (I have a demanding life, ok!), both because it’s enjoyable and it plays a critical role in helping me become a better leader. Reading can elevate us above our current situation, teach us, inspire us and give us new ideas.
Do you remember the parable about the bridesmaids and the oil? It teaches us the value of preparedness over planning when it comes to the future.
Further reading: Matthew 25:1-13.
Every time that God elevates me and enlarges my purpose, I experience the exact same unnatural sensation. I feel nervous about the unknown. Sometimes, I get so wrapped up my emotions, that I feel like I’m floating. I’d like to tell you that there is not one drop of anxiety as I navigate various elevations, but I’d be lying. They are always the same.
But what I can tell you, is that now, I prepare for it in prayer, anchoring myself in his grace, and by diverting my attention away from the worries because I know those emotions, doubts and the fear of unknown are just part of the process. So, if you’re ever feeling nervous during a season of elevation, I urge you to settle in and prepare. Use His grace to help you coast and defy gravity when he pushes you to fly.
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